(317) 546-8062


Lodge #23


Floyd Lodge #23

Lodge: Floyd Lodge #23
Street Address: 522 Columbia Street
City, State and Zip: Lafayette, IN 47901
Phone :
Fax :
Website Address: http://www.floydlodge23.org
About Floyd Lodge #23
Meets every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month (except for the month of August) at 7 o’clock in the evening at the Lafayette Masonic Temple located on 522 Columbia Street in Lafayette, Indiana. Floyd Lodge #23 was chartered on Sunday, September 13, 1891, under the leadership of Past Grand Master William Floyd (1890-1893 Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Master of Indiana) along with granting the charters of lodges located in Muncie (Widow’s Son Lodge #22), Brazil (St. Paul Lodge #24) and Crawfordsville (St. Mark’s Lodge #25). For over 120 years strong, the legacy of Floyd Lodge has educated as well as provided for the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Jurisdiction of Indiana with a great number of community leaders, Past Masters, Past Grand Officers, and other great men who were Raised amongst the ranks of Floyd #23.

About Us

The Purpose of Prince Hall Freemasonry in the Jurisdiction of Indiana is to be a relevant, preeminent fraternity, committed to attracting, developing, and retaining men of high quality who strive for self-improvement and the opportunity to serve others.

P.O. Box 902
Fishers, IN 46038



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